Monday, November 2, 2009

Havin' a laugh

Let's take a break my friends. Yea, i know, the final of the final of the final exam is so close. No kiddin'. Here I have a video treat for those AM fans out there - featuring Alex Turner in 'Cornerstone'. What more can I say? For a band with a fastest-selling-record-history producing this kind of official music video, it shows that sometimes we just have to breakaway from the stress of trying too hard. Most of the times we've tried our best to study (or still do as long as there is time). so why do we worry so much if the worry is only going to be counter-productive for the exam itself. Let's have a laugh. Or two. I hope you know Wallace & Gromit. They're just wonderful, innovative, creatively-thought-about cartoon characters! And by the way, do you see 'Google' up there in their photo?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sejahtera!
    That video clip is......haha.

    maybe the idea behind the video is brilliant and artistic? maybe they just want prove that the beauty of music is in the song itself? maybe its just for fun?

    Not trying too hard=not trying at all?


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Medical practitioner. Amateur philosopher, pianist and composer.