Friday, July 16, 2010

Mosque Bombing In Iran - Where Are The Peaceful Protests/Boycott?

Haven't you heard about the latest violence in Iran? At least 22 people were killed in the bombing.

If we'd protested for 9 civillian deaths, logically then we must feel obliged to do the same now - surely 22 deaths are a larger cause to protest. My question is, why aren't we?



  1. giler ah hakim..

    ak rs kalau org2 berkenaan read up ur writing, they'll bomb u into pieces..


    slmt dtg to UK!!!

  2. hehe

    time kasih.tak lame lagi dah. walaupun sedang bermasalah sikit bab pms transfer ni..huhu insyaAllah akan selesai secepat mungkin.

  3. insyaAllah no worries man..

    moga2 dipermudahkan...


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Medical practitioner. Amateur philosopher, pianist and composer.