Friday, October 8, 2010

Let's All Be Rational & Moderate

It is probably unwise to discuss politics with strangers, people say. I cannot agree more. Last week when I was enjoying the taste of Malaysian food at Trafalgar Square in London, I overheard a conversation about our local politics right behind me. I reacted by loudly telling my friend, "Why would anybody talk about politics at this time and place?". It was Malaysia Night, and instead of celebrating our country and its culture  - in fact Mat Sallehs performed silat that day - these jokers behind me were debating about our present government.

Why are we divided by our political views? Well if you can't even decide what to do over the weekends - that you have to consider each possible plan and run it thru your head - imagine how, in a much larger context, the society, has to decide on its direction. It must be no surprise then that not everyone in the society can agree with a particular decision.

If we acknowledge this, then we start to realize that all those political conflicts, conspiracies, and controversies are nothing but a waste of everyone's time. Let me tell you why I think so.

Say I can't decide whether to spend this evening writing this post, or hang out with my friends at the Toga Party. They're both equally fun (let's suppose!). Isn't it pretty useless if I moan about choosing only one of them in the end - i.e. to write this post? That's because (a) whether I like it or not, a decision has been made; and (b) if I did make a bad decision, it's better for me to move on and learn from this episode - than to regret and get depressed by it.

It's pointless for you to point out to me all the alleged corruption cases by the government - or simply summarize them for me by accusing this government or that government as being corrupt. I'm not a judge, although my name suggests that, so please bring the evidence (if you have any) to the Anti-Corruption Agency perhaps. Otherwise just shut up and let me enjoy my dinner that reminds me of home!

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Medical practitioner. Amateur philosopher, pianist and composer.