Saturday, January 2, 2010

Making Conclusions

I'm sure most of us have heard about the KL High Court's order to reverse the ban on the use of the term "ALLAH" in Herald (A Christian publication). And as expected we could already see the negative reaction from most Muslims who are taken aback or 'rasa tercabar' with the verdict (and some even suggested Majlis Raja-Raja to respond!). While some (if not many) of us just don't mind with Malaysian Christian publications using the term "ALLAH" in their newsletters, like in one commentary h e r e, where the author is actually happy that Christians and Muslims in Malaysia can now share the word Allah. Now, i took my stand on the minaret issue in Switzerland h e r e, and since this 'ALLAH'-term issue is in our beloved country (but not in any other countries like Switzerland), let me shy away from making any comments or drawing hasty conclusions regarding this rather 'sensitive' and 'controversial' issue. That's because I'm a medical student who is sponsored by our generous government, so I don't want to have my scholarship reversed or even worse end up in Kamunting! (Yes, although we embrace freedom of speech, I think my opinion on this matter is not that of great importance that I have to 'proclaim' it ever so openly in this mischievously free-to-write blogging world.) What (i think) i can say is that we should all await future events that'll unfold - appeal in Courts, protests, name-calling, nasty commentaries, political opportunist taking centre stage, public condemnation, and other nasty things which I hope would never happen. So let me warn you that we should never simply draw conclusions out of these issues like how Tun has tempted to talk about double-standards in religious matters by Westerners in the Swiss-minaret issue and French headscarf ban. To me, the Swiss and French has the prerogative to ban minarets and headscarves because they are 'negara-negara yang berdaulat'. Hey, even people who'd like to celebrate 2010 in Times Square New York were banned from bringing alcohol! (for security reasons of course). My point is that we should reason out with facts and figures. If Tun said that the Westerners would condemn us if we disallow statues for Hindu temples, let me ask him this, why would we want to ban the statues in the first place? Yes, that was just an example, still, to use that as an example means we have to fully reason out our deductions and conclusions from it if it were true. The fact is that there are only 4 minarets in Switzerland (like Tun said, I'm not so sure but that might be true). And another fact is that we don't worship minarets. And of course, these minarets were only banned because it was agreed upon a referendum for whatever reason the Swiss might think of the minaret. So we don't have to be delusional and overreact to a Court's order. Let's be reasonable. We still have ALLAH on our side, that's if we believe in Him.

"Do not argue with the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) except in the nicest possible manner - unless they transgress - and say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our god and your god is one and the same; to Him we are submitters." Quran [29:46]

Happy new year 2010!


  1. salam..

    how dare u hilarious wrinkle-haired come u post this type of opinion. im gonna make sure they come for u n put u into ISA forEVER. hahaha

    it's time for us, Muslims to work. we cant forever prevent them from using the word "Allah" in their scripture's translation. to me, this is a chance to do our job; do effort to improve muslims' understanding on their religion hence practising it accordingly, also propragate islam to the nonmuslims.

    my comments can be ignored sbb aku x kasi reason..

  2. things might turn out real bad..and i'm really afraid of it. Need to remember that not everyone have d same level of thinking..

  3. Rahimi: Salam. Your comments have been readily ignored...hahaha ok2. I agree, it's an open world now. The government can ban books and ideologies and censor this and that, but thanks to the internet, you can order books, download or stream videos, read articles and blogs, from across the globe. Now this is Islamic. because now we can 'listen to all views and make up our mind using GOD's gift of neurons in our forebrain for us to think'.

    Karim: I only hope things are better than what the media has reported - That those open or quite protesters are non-confrontational, but very diplomatic and understanding, from both parties! Let's all be rational and reasonable.

  4. salam..

    what?!! readily ignored ah? so bad ar u.. haha

    see my blog weh, ak da post quite reasonable comparative arguments..

    see la.. see.. hehehe

    wassalam =)

  5. Good article. I especially like your "retort" to Tun. I have the greatest respect and love for Tun but I do know that he is a master at "writing for the masses" even when it is untruthful. Being "right" and being "truthful" are 2 different things..:)

  6. Jahamy: I'm glad you like my article. And just like you, I also have this great respect and love for Tun. In fact he's my role model.

    I understand your point about being "right" and "truthful". And mastering the art of "writing for the masses" gave him considerable influence over other people, making him eligible to become our PM!

    But I also believe we can be critical of everyone, even for our "role models". That way we can learn two lessons from them - (1) positive things we should imitate. (2) negative things we should discard.

    Even the prophets made some mistakes in their life. But following them, I believe, is learning not to repeat their mistakes. And I'm sure you know this already.



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Medical practitioner. Amateur philosopher, pianist and composer.