Monday, June 7, 2010

Flotilla Fiasco: Read This!

I stand by my opinion that the humanitarian-aid workers should not have resisted the well-armed Israeli commandos with violence when the latter boarded their flotilla - at least as what several videos of the tragic event suggest. But wait, who got killed on last week's deadly fiasco?

Allow me to use an analogy: Say, a group of well-armed robbers broke into your house. You have two options: (A) Pick up a broomstick or a kitchen knife and 'resist' the robbery, or, (B) Surrender and let them rob you broke.

[Option A] Say, the robbers brought a video cam to tape their robbery -- whatever that's for -- so that when the members of your house hit and violently resisted the robbers, it was all recorded. In that turn of events, your brother tragically got killed. So you bring this matter to the court, and the defence lawyers exhibit the video of the robbery as a proof to the judge that your family resisted the robbery violently.

Does that justify the robbery, or the murder of your brother? No. And so the robbers must be rightfully persecuted for breaking into your house and murder.

But was it worth the lost of your brother's life, that a few of you attempted to resist the robbers by hitting them? Sadly, no. Why didn't you opt for option B then?

[Option B] Perhaps people might call you a coward for opting not to defend yourself, but there's a dictum you hold on to: 'Don't act like a hero'. You recall too many cases on the news of everyday heroes tragically get killed as they attempt to recover a poor woman's handbag from a snatch theft, etc. But what about your belongings? Again, let me ask, is it worth your life to defend your dear belongings?

So there you have it. Look what happened to MV Rachel Corrie. I'm glad there was no report of death or injuries from the Israeli raid on that vessel.

I have no intentions to back Israeli blockade on Gaza - although it's quite clear that the inhumane blockade is a political attempt to weaken the support to Hamas from within, costing humanitarian crisis in Gaza (which is often kept in limbo). Ironically, the latest Israeli deadly response to attempts of breaching this blockade only resulted in more support to the cause of the Palestinians, and hence, Hamas, not just from within, but from the 'international community'.

Before we assume that this tragedy will be by and large ignored by the Western countries, observe these headlines:
TIME: Defiant Israel says Activists Prepared to Fight
Newsweek: Why Israel Needs To Change Its Ways

(Note: Defiant; and Change) And here's another headline:
Vatican Blasts Israeli Occupation
So, the enemy of my enemy is my friend now?


  1. I agree with you that the volunteers should have tried to contain their anger which might had prompted the killing of our brothers (may they died as syuhada). But, at the same time, I wouldn't blame them as I really don't know what happened on the ship. I might have acted out the same way they did.

    Let us hope that the international bodies that uphold justice will eventually take actions (after many unsuccessful attempts) and let the Palestinians regain their rights. InsyaALLAH

    Keep on updating us on the issue ya!! =)

  2. lagi info menarik psl bnda ni,mula dari point no 2 ke bawah

    apa sebenarnya berlaku?wallahu'alam :)

  3. I wonder why the crews of the other ships carrying aid to Gaza did not experience such injuries or deaths as Mavi Marmara's? Why didn't IDF opened fire at ALL 6 ships heading to Gaza? Or did they cover-up other shootings? Sadly, many has overlooked this fact.

    I'm saddened by the tragic lost of lives over this fiasco, but I'm confounded by the behaviour of the a few crews of Mavi Marmara which reacted wildly to Iraeli raid.

    Now I only hope Iran's pledge to offer military support for the next humanitarian aid in Gaza would be made a reality, or even if it will, we best hope that it won't put us all in much dire circumstances.

  4. Correction* I hope Iran's pledge will NOT be made a reality.


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Medical practitioner. Amateur philosopher, pianist and composer.