And I really hope the 1Malaysia concept to materialise. Shut up and go away racist politicians, their apologists; and stupid Malaysian hooligans!
Friday, December 25, 2009
MALAYSIA is 5th most friendly!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Hmmm long holidays
•not in action or at work; •baseless: without a basis in reason or fact; •not in active use; •silly or trivial; •lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility; •run disconnected; •dead: •not having a job;
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Fact or Fiction?

Find out here. Interesting article.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
To ten million fireflies
I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell
but I know where several are
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Mosques without minarets (menara)?
Over in Netherlands: Anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders said he would press for a similar ban in Holland. 'If the government is unwilling to hold a referendum, the PVV will present its own bill to parliament. What is possible in Switzerland should also be possible here,' he was reported as saying.
Original article: The Swiss government's call for a vote on banning the building of minarets for mosques (with a majority of 'YES') has predictably lead to an outcry by some quarters like in Al-Jazeera (Switzerland minaret ban condemned). Perhaps this is an important moment for us to ask ourselves why we react in whatever way we do - Anger and frustration? Is that how the muslims should react? Is it because 'our rights' have been denied? Chill guys, it's just a menara masjid. Let me ask you this question if you're angry at the swiss:
In fact we should look at this as a non-issue, i think, simply because we don't worship the minarets, the mosques, the leaders, the ulama's, the prophets, the scriptures, the angels and the devil of course. We worship and submit to GOD alone. Unless otherwise. The Swiss have voted and a majority of them wanted the ban on the minarets for whatever reason they have - Islamophobia, worried about the people confused between mosques and churches, etc. They're a democratic country and in such system, the majority have their say. Let's look back at our country, Malaysia. I recall a court case going on about the right to publish the Bible using the Arabic word for GOD, "Allah" and some other Arabic terms too. Hey wait, we're democratic too right? Let's vote, and more importantly, please accept the outcome of such voting system!"Do you, the one who call yourself a Muslim (submitter), who believes that there is no GOD but GOD, in the Quran and the Hereafter, worship the minarets?"
Monday, November 2, 2009
Havin' a laugh

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Inkscape-ing a logo (not only) for MSOC

Before I end, allow me to wish everyone SELAMAT HARI RAYA! Maaf Zahir (& batin?) I'm very excited since this may be the last raya wish from me in Malaysia (the next one would be half-a-decade from now)
p/s: I really don't mind if MSOC will choose a better logo design for itself...hahaha
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Home is where the heart is
"We enjoined the human being to honor his parents. His mother bore him, and the load got heavier and heavier. It takes two years (of intensive care) until weaning. You shall be appreciative of Me, and of your parents. To Me is the ultimate destiny." [31:14]In another similar verse,
"We enjoined the human being to honor his parents. His mother bore him arduously, gave birth to him arduously, and took intimate care of him for thirty months. When he reaches maturity, and reaches the age of forty, he should say, "My Lord, direct me to appreciate the blessings You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You. Let my children be righteous as well. I have repented to You; I am a muslim."[46:15]But who else should we be thankful to - for our kind parents and families - if not to GOD Almighty. So always remember GOD and be thankful for this beautiful life, because who else takes care of our family, if not GOD, The Sustainer of life?
"Proclaim: "If your parents, your children, your siblings, your spouses, your family, the money you have earned, a business you worry about, and the homes you cherish are more beloved to you than GOD and His messenger, and the striving in His cause, then just wait until GOD brings His judgment." GOD does not guide the wicked people."[9:24]Thank GOD for my loveable, loving and caring family!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hard Times
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Let's read the Quran
"...if one is ill or traveling, an equal number of other days may be substituted...".Although in the same verse,
" ...If one volunteers (more righteous works), it is better. But fasting is the best for you, if you only knew."Clearly, fasting is not meant to suffer, neither to burden the Muslim community, rather, it's a religious obligation only to benefit the Believers. In the verse 185 of the same chapter, God has mentioned,
"...GOD wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfill your obligations, and to glorify GOD for guiding you, and to express your appreciation."These are just excerpts from the Quran, which are concerning fasting. There are much more subjects of discussion including stories, reminders and warnings etc in this extraordinary superhuman book. Check it out.

Friday, August 7, 2009
To be responsible
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sounds great!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
To be inspired
Perhaps the quote of the day from him today would be, "Money is important for us, but more importantly is job satisfaction - seeing what you want to do being actually done.."
There were at least 8 questions asked during the dialogue and here i have uploaded the one which a student asked about 'doctors leaving the country for a better pay in other countries'
His conscience was clear, as it has always been. And that's what i admire most about Mahathir.
He simply says what he means and he means what he says.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The very kind doctor
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sakti Band in My Heart
"Go SAKTI band, make us proud! dont let 'the stupid jealous students n teachers of SAKTI' ruin your spirits..
SAKTI BAND forever in my mind~"
Friday, June 12, 2009
It's Hazy - Don't worry
So what's with the haze? Looking back, I remember when I was at Shah Alam last time it hit us, it was so awful that we were given an emergency break from our studies. So, are we getting a time off again soon?
No matter how it may progress, better or worse, let's not make the haze a terrible cause to concern too much about. What can we do? Live in a bubble?
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure there's still plenty of oxygen in the air to go around for everyone.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Most Ideal Moment
"The current moment - the present." That's when i find my most ideal moment in my life. "Provided that my current moment is a happy one"Let's think about it, why should our ideal moment be in the past? Are we regretting our current situation? Or why should it be an event in the future? Like one answer from my classmate, "When i get to see Man U play and win at Old Trafford" Then what? After you've watched the match, then what? It's not that we can't dream of anything, If it's going to be the best moment of our life, why limit it to only watching our favourite football team, or even favourite bands live like Coldplay or Arctic Monkeys? I try to be realistic here, as i've always have been. If i have a choice i would pick the best for myself of course! If i could, why can't i live everyday finding every single day special? Like posting this, i'm glad that i'm capable of putting my thoughts into such an organized writing although no one (such as an english teacher) asked me to do this. I simply enjoy doing it!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Work to gain wealth. We wake up every morning, and then study, or work, because the satisfying exam result slip or a paycheck is all we need to keep us happy. Ah-ha! Here’s the catch - We depend on those exam results and bank account balance to make us happy each day. But what if we fail, despite grueling days of revision or overtime? The problem is that in these situations (when we say that our life’s purpose is to work to gain wealth), we put ‘wealth’ as our main purpose of life (the only thing which can make us feel good). Sadly, we are almost always vulnerable to failure which makes our life difficult at times.
Spend to gain happiness. But where did the money come from? Wait, i didn’t say: spend money. In fact, ’spending’ here implies using whatever resources that we have. Now remember that you can read this, which means you have a vision (eyes) that you can see this, a sound mind (brain) that makes you able to understand this and probably working pair of hands scrolling down with a mouse to get to the next point (or to click ‘close’). These valuable assets we are blessed to have are often taken being for granted! If we imagine these hands, eyes, nose, legs, brains and mouth of ours as assets - why don’t we think about spending these assets instead? This means using them at their best. It’s not hard really, if I rephrase my words into: why don’t we make use of our talents to make ourselves feel happy? No regrets then because these assets are acquired at birth and most of them develop with time. Isn’t this simply a better choice of purpose in life?
There can be many excellent examples - Bill Gates, JK Rowling, Arctic Monkeys, Coldplay, Sudirman, etc. I believe that these successful personals have one purpose of life, which is to feel good about making good use of their talents. But for regular joe’s like us, the same concept applies.
Why do we feel stressful to work hard, and then stressful again when we fail to achieve good exam results or better pay? Why don’t we enjoy exercising our brains with new facts as we study for the exam, or, get a job we enjoy doing? So that when we fail, we’ll say: well, I enjoyed making all the effort, now that i’ve failed, i could do even more work - and I’m really glad about that!