Anyway, I'd like to share a commentary by a reader of, well you'd already figured out what that website's for. Here's the comment:
"WHY would the government do it? I don’t mean Iraq , oil etc I mean why would they do it in this way ? just to help a pal with his insurance?
Why use a plane at all . Why crash your own airline industry and every other countries { Swissair etc}, damage your financial markets { just when you are going to need some war funds} destroy very very valuable property, panic the WORLD, kill your own citizens etc. Could all this not be achieved by a ‘foiled’ plot. Terrorists were 15 minutes from the murder of thousands… a president would certainly come out better having stopped an attack than permitted one. Or if you needed a big attack why not just the anthrax that came after. Everyone panicking over any white powder. Far far easier to plant Anthrax or similar in the towers or Disneyland, have a panic, then capture your suspects who blow themselves up or whatever you want.
If you were going to do this, would you do it this way?’ There are cheaper, better, easier and safer ways to get into a war.. Also why pick Osama as the fall guy if the target is Hussein. Why not just pick Saddam and ‘plant’ evidence to show it was him all along, thereby never needing to go to Afghanistan at all .After all if you can plan the attack why not the culprit.. no need to go scratching for evidence of a link to Iraq AFTER the attack , set it up before.
Funny how the authorities are both all powerful, all seeing, all knowing, and completely incompetent at the same time...
The good old Pearl Harbor theory always struck me the same way . Why destroy your fleet just as you are planning war. Discover the jap carriers 500 miles out while on manouevers’ and the impact on public opinion would be similar to a attack.
Why sink your whole fleet ? Especially if you could sink theirs .. take a few years off the war if they lost 6 carriers day 1 !!"
The last two paragraphs have got to do with the Pearl Harbor conspiracy theory. Maybe some people thought the kamikaze planes were devised by/ purposely ignored by US intels just to find a cause to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I think.
Anyway, read the comment above again. Take note: (1) why not a 'foiled' plot? (2) why not Anthrax? (3) why not go for Saddam, if Iraq was their target?These are just some hypothetical questions. But I think it's alright to ask them for such a hypothetical theory.
Even if that's true, where would it leave us? Go on then - set up fires at Surau, bomb churches, stone temples. If we stay ignorant from taking charge and develop our country, our survival will be at the mercy of those 'evil hands' behind 911 attacks.
Please visit if you still believe in Science. Otherwise, peace!
Before I end my post, I'd like to send my condolences to the Johor Royal Family and to all my Johorean mates for the lost of our king, Sultan Iskandar Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail.