Sunday, February 28, 2010

Scientology 101 by Alan Shore

Here's a clip from Boston Legal, a drama comedy TV series about lawyers, clients and judges. The lawyer speaking is Alan Shore played by James Spader who won at least two Emmy awards for Outstanding Actor in Drama Series. Indeed, you can really see how outstanding his performance is in this show.

Anyway, let's learn something about Scientology - by probably the most sarcastic tutor for this subject - Mr Alan Shore.

Let's compare that with: Wikipedia article on Scientology
                                     Official Church of Scientology Homepage
                                     Urban Dictionary article on Scientology which
                                     may contain explicit language and corny images like:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Confused terrorists?!

A very capable man who's been unemployed for 19 years, his 7 children and wife, are the not-so-proud beneficiaries of the welfare service of Australia. Apparently he was planning to bomb a stadium full of people. Well, either he's angry at the welfare service maybe because they missed 3 months of payments to his family, or he's misinterpreted a Quranic verse until he believes he has the right to blow up infidels! Despite the fact that he's been on life support for 19 years by the infidels he wanted to kill, of course. What an irony!

Read more about it here.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Apprendre la langue anglais! a French way of saying 'Learn the English language'! (I hope I got it right, but I'm not too sure why I suddenly use a French phrase for my title.)

There was a comment posted in Tun Dr Mahathir's blog on the topic of "Science and Islam" which I'm actually keen to share with you. I find it rather 'interesting'. Here is that comment, by arik:
The Hidden Secret...
I do not know ...the way you thinking.....but sometimes you look ...have unknowing about your write.....
Everytime you just set your mind is what you believe and what you see.....hello not good to you....okey.
is also not to good to everybody......God know what is doing....and god also know...why his sent illiterate mesengger..
and as a muslim ...i just wanna to advice you....sometimes we need learn and lesson to someone....for goodness...and for ourself can learn from prof_ridcully or waja ..or anybody you want it.......but don't made were muslims here......its just look your dumb and dumber...friend.....

('The Hidden Secret' is the nickname of another commenter who believes that prophet Muhammad did NOT die as an illiterate [ie did NOT know how to read or write] man.) I was tempted to highlight and bold parts of the comment, but then I thought my alteration would only spoil the essence of the comment. I'd like to think that arik is actually a poet.

So what have we all learned so far (from this post)?

1. We better hope our education system improves by much more than what was promised by our Deputy Prime Minister in teaching the English language, or else we'd have more revealing comments on the topic of illiteracy.

2. Whether we believe that Muhammad was illiterate (like arik and chedet), or literate (like 'The Hidden Secret'), the message for us is clear [2:164] - to study the Universe. So far, English is still the first language of Science and Technology. Thus, it does make sense if we strive to improve our command of this language. It would certainly be a great help for us to understand Science (the signs of the Creator).

Now the burning question is - who's the 'dumb and dumber....friend...' ?

Parlez-vous anglais ?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Hardest Part (Live in Melbourne)

If only we can be as passionate about our work as Chris Martin of Coldplay, we would certainly be filled with satisfaction and joy that will spill over to all the people around us. How wonderful our life can be.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Who's gloom?

UPDATED 8/02/2010

There is an ongoing battle to define the Conventional Wisdom (CW) on our judicial system. And this comes with no suprise since many people like me could immediately figure out a couple of reasons why winning this battle is imperative for certain parties right now. I would certainly think of the high-profile cases going on in our courts. Sodomy II, Nizar vs Zambry, etc.

So what do they want us to think of the judiciary?
Judiciary's 'gloom of sycophancy' - Malaysiakini

Malaysia on trial along with Anwar — Barry Wain

If these guys win this battle so that the public actually doubt our judicial system, then they would undoubtly have the upper hand in Malaysian politics. If Anwar is found not guilty, they'll say, "It's alright, we accept the court's verdict". Otherwise, they will make comments like Satinah Osman's "...People know that there are too many 'Augustine Pauls' in the judiciary to let Pakatan win..."

What I've stated above is merely the obvious, right? No? Oh please, don't tell me you didn't spot the hipocrisy of these people when the evidence is actually mounted against them. Perhaps the only 'gloom' is the 'gloom of the opposition losing the game'. So let me suggest a change of title for the linked articles above:

Pakatan Rakyat's 'gloom of defeat'

Malaysian opposition on trial along with Anwar

How's that for a conventional wisdom on our local politics!

Today, as I browse, I have noted a few interesting points from its readers in the opinion section (also the free one). Check out these revelations:
1. Explicit sexual reportage by newspapers and television can 'destroy' an entire generation.
   (Maybe we should stop the reports and just pretend it didn't happen no matter what the court says? Who's fighting for freedom of speech now?)

2. Homosexual acts of affection and love should not be criminalized
   (.. eventhough these acts are extramarrital in nature? And condemned by GOD? Read Quran [7:80-81])

3. This trial on Anwar is just a conspiracy by someone symbolized by the swastika with a bald head wearing large glasses.
  (After all, BN is evil and PR is our saviour?) 
Let me remind all believing men and women again that in dealing with cases like Anwar's trial, GOD exhorts us to look for evidence. Check out the Quran [12: 26-28]. Simple as that. So what's with all the delay then?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Let's go to the zoo, to the zoo

Last Thursday, I went to Zoo Negara with my family. In case you're wondering why we visited the zoo at this time of the year, let me remind you again I'm in a very loooong break before my studies resume this August!

Anyway, I enjoyed my visit to the zoo despite some hiccups on the parking (a minor thing, really). There was a diverse collection of animals in the zoo - from primates to fish (in a wonderful aquarium), and tigers, lions and tapir. The only animal I couldn't find was an Arctic Monkey. Maybe I will, when I study in London soon. hehehe
Do read more about my visit h e r e.


About Me

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Medical practitioner. Amateur philosopher, pianist and composer.