Sunday, February 26, 2012

Question the Questioner

Often when people ask us something, they are not really interested in our reply. This may seem impolite, but it's actually quite true. However, before we decide to become a misanthropist because of this embarrassing truth, let's look at it from our own point of view.

We like to ask our friends: what are their plans, where did they go for their holidays, what have they eaten for lunch, what have they bought from shopping - earnestly wanting to listen to our friends' exciting stories. But I'm also certain that each time we ask those questions, we (secretly) hope that our friends would ask those questions back to us.

As much as we are interested in our friends, we want them to be interested in us more. And not surprisingly, this is also true for everyone else. It is not about being selfish, or not caring about others. In fact, by understanding this principle, we could even be more selfless.

"How are you?"
"Good, How are you?"

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Medical practitioner. Amateur philosopher, pianist and composer.